COR Slide

The COR Center no longer provides technical assistance for the Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. The International Rescue Committee is the new CO TA provider; you may access their materials at

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New COR Center resources in the Tools for Trainers area include Refugee Training and Orientation: A Guide for Service Providers, Cultural Orientation Training: An Introduction for Trainers video, and a workbook for trainers. These resources were designed for service providers working with refugees to enhance understanding, design, and delivery of training and orientation.

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COR Center Resource Library

Find COR Center resource materials for refugees, and anyone interested in learning more about refugee communities in the United States in our Resource Library.
• Welcome to the U.S.: Guidebook & Videos
• Refugee Backgrounders & Culture Profiles
• Phrasebooks and more!

Refugee Populations

Find resources designed to assist in the orientation, resettlement, and adjustment of specific refugee populations.
• Bhutanese
• Burmese
• Congolese
• Darfuris
• Iraqis
• Refugee Youth
• Refugee Seniors

Immigrant and Refugee Integration

Drawing on decades of experience, CAL provides resources and services to facilitate integration of newcomers into their new communities.

The Cultural Orientation Resource Center is funded by the Department of State/Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). Materials on this website were produced with PRM funding, with funding from the Department of Health and Human Services/Administration for Children and Families/Office of Refugee Resettlement, or by the COR Center’s parent institution, the Center for Applied Linguistics.