An orientation is when a new idea or situation is introduced, such as showing a refugee around their new home. A training is when specific knowledge, skills, or attitudes are being learned, such as how to interview for a job in a new or better way. Cultural/community orientation for refugees combines both of these elements: introducing refugees to their new environment and equipping them to deal with or adjust to it.
Both orientations and trainings can be delivered effectively by non-trainers, but careful pre-session planning is key to meeting the goals of both the trainer and the clients. The COR Center has produced a variety of resources to assist service providers with the design and development of orientation sessions, including ready-to-use lesson plans within the Orientation Toolkit, tools for trainers, and staff training materials.
In addition, this section of the website contains information on the orientation provided overseas by the various Resettlement Support Centers around the world. Look into the Overseas CO section for answers to frequently asked questions about the orientation refugees receive overseas, as well as information about the programs, locations, caseloads, teaching materials, and so on. Many program-specific pages include images of the refugees they serve, as well.
This section also houses information on the orientation provided within the United States by resettlement agencies and others. See Domestic CO for sample program descriptions contributed by agencies around the country, information about community-based organization efforts, webinars on various related topics, and more.